Mighty Mouse GL

Mighty Mouse GL

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Declan - pt. 10

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.
Anne Frank

The moment Declan emerged from the river, Justine was aware of his presence. The fear in her was immense and she slowly began to cry; her tears, an emerging sprinkling of rain. The natural gift of premonition in her was spinning out of control. She could see the past, present, and future; as angry energy. She watched her brother enter the Travelodge. The more she watched over her brother, the sadder she became. She frowned in sorrow, darkening the sky. Letting loose a torrent of tears that flooded the streets. She watched Valniria and Hati dig in the cemetery. She witnessed Jenii protecting her brother at the cemetery entrance and showing him the package he was seeking. She cried even harder when the apparitional boy and his truck retreated into the cemetery to be terrorized by the others. Justine knew the boy needing saving too, and she cried even more.
New to being an elemental, Justine has not yet harnessed her power. The turbulence in her would not allow her control. Only her love for brother was keeping her from unleashing her wrath to try to free herself. *Danger – Danger – Danger* recanted in her being.
The spirit guide that wisped her away to the Carpathian Mountains appeared within the center of Justine’s tempest. She is known by name Oya to the Yoruba people of Nigeria. Oya released her own tempest calling upon the winds of the southern hemisphere to turn counter to Justine. Not to be stopped from feeling her pain, Justine grew darker and more defiant. Master and pupil began to rage upon each other. Lightening began to scatter in all directions. Acting as a mother goddess only could, Oya spanked her child with blasting winds. Her attempts to diffuse the fury were wearing Justine down. Exiting the inner turmoil, Oya wrapped herself around her daughter to comfort Justine. To help her gain composure and focus for the task at hand.
Though, still a part of our world, Oya would no longer interfere directly with the evolution of the world. She does maintain a desire for lending a helping hand to those that still carry influence.
Whispering in the winds ear, Oya says to Justine “Calm your heart child, your time will come when you can truly lash out at the enemy.”
At that moment Justine wails and let’s out a shattering bolt of electricity that lights up the sky in all directions. Justine releases one last bolt of lightening and it races down to earth. It stabs straight into the right shoulder of HIM. “I feel better mother, I have weakened him!” and she falls into Oya’s arms to rest.
“Yes, and now HE is certain that there is a war on!” Oya whispers.
“Oya, you may leave me now. I understand now that the peace within me gives me strength and knowledge. Otherwise, I would not have known that HE stood amidst the poplars.” … and the rain subsides. But she cannot feel her brother anywhere near.

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