Mighty Mouse GL

Mighty Mouse GL

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Other Options

MMGL has an inner-Underdog that would not feel complete unless he made mention of the other Presidential candidates that you have an opportunity to vote for. I have no doubt that most of you that are going to vote - will vote for one of the Democrat or Republican tickets. I rather like the idea that there are other options available. Indigo-Orion is pleased that I may vote for one of the Underdogs. That way it gives 'something' to the Obama team. Have no fear I will vote. But she doesn't care for my argument that our popular votes don't matter. That it's only the voting Electorates that actually vote in the President. I don't think the Electorates are truly "Statespersons" and will simply vote their conscience. While they are supposed to vote the will of the people they represent, I don't see that happening. So I got to thinking, what would happen if the entire Electorate decided to truly "Rock the Vote" and give all their votes to, for instance - Chuck Baldwin or Cynthia McKinney. They have it within their power to do just that. But they'd have a lot of 'splainin to do Lucy.
1. Chuck Baldwin - baldwin2008.com
2. Bob Barr = bobbarr2008.com
3. Cynthia McKinney - votetruth08.com
4. Brian Moore - votesocialist2008.org
5. Ralph Nader - votenader.org
6. Gene Amondson - geneamondson.com
7. Roger Calero - themilitant.com
8. Dr. Tom Stevens - objectivistparty.us
9. Charles Jay - CJ08.com
10. Alan Keyes - alankeyes.com
11. Gloria La Riva - votepsl.org
12. Ted Weill - reformpartyusa.org
Golly, I'm like a kid in a candy store.

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