Mighty Mouse GL

Mighty Mouse GL

Monday, October 6, 2008


Last Friday, my final act of the day was to listen to a raving lunatic scream at me on the phone. He was screaming so loudly that I could not understand a word he was saying. I wanted to help him. Really I did. It was so bad that my supervisor had to get on the phone to "try" to "help." The experience was no better for her. This lasted an hour and a half, with the occasional lull in conversation so he could catch his breath. He did not want either of us to speak. It ended with the need for a follow-up call this morning.
Lord help me, I did not want to make that call. I think we woke him up calling him at the hour he requested. He was calm at first then lunged into his tirade. An hour later we had all his issues down pat and we began working on his issues. Which were not really issues that were terribly bad. He just wanted to vent. The minor details were easily navigated. I had to write a letter and my boss and her boss had to call the man back. I was relieved that I did not have to be on that call. I actually had a headache from that experience.
For the most part, I spent the better part of the day working to manage that one situation of relative nothing. To appease a freaking lunatic.
Where's your optimism now Thomas. Well it's inside my heart-felt letter of apology on it's way to that clown by way of FedEx. What a joke.


JOEY said...

What a nightmare.
You have great patience young skywalker!

Michael said...

Can I ever relate! I was a pharmacy tech in college...there's nothing quite like dealing with sick, cranky people all day. And telling customers to f*ck off wasn't prohibited by the corporate offices...seems those kinds of comments don't do well for business.

Karma is a funny thing...clown dude needs to watch his back.

Michael said...

P.S. No, he wasn't cute ;) I would have let it slide if he was.