Mighty Mouse GL

Mighty Mouse GL

Friday, March 7, 2008


I had dinner at my friend Scottie's tonight with her boyfriend Lee and our mutual friend Michael. I brought the wine a fairly light Chinon, commonly known as Cabernet Franc to compliment the grilled beef and chicken. Dinner was very good and dessert was destined to be a treat. I had no clue what was for dessert, but Scottie seemed beside herself when she brought it out. Inside the bowl were clearly 2 cookies (I think she said sesame cookies) and they were really nice and pleasantly light. Deeper inside the bowl were these white gummy looking oddities. The picture shows you what I saw resting in a clear liquid. Ummmm... I'm not always the most polite person in the world but I was game to see what this was all about; hoping against hope that it might be some form of gelatin. Because I was not interested in tasting what my friend Micheal referred to their appearance as Rocky Mountain Oysters.
Well it is a fruit grown in the state of Florida called a Lychee. So I weaseled my mind to imagine that I was going to eat grape-pears, because that is what I so very badly wanted them to be. Oh dear me, the texture was somewhat chewy and grape-like, but oooh so NOT grape like. The taste was the utter opposite of what my tongue anticipated in advance to be pear. Please understand that I like fruit, I really do. This lychee was fruit-ish, the same way a gummy bear is fruit-ish. But I think that gummy bears and sesame cookies would have sufficed.
I have not a clue what these little suckers tasted like. They, all 5 of them, were not totally unpleasant to consume. I tasted the light sugar flavor. I tasted something else. And then I tasted something else altogther. Now, the first "something else" I do not have an accurate palatable description for you. Not pear, that's for sure. It was just a fruity "other flavor." The kicker, and deciding factor in my appreciation for Lychee was the second "something else" which was altogether icky. It was an after-taste, kinda like when you burp bologna, but not. It hit the back of my tongue, but not quite *back* enough. It sort of tasted like a subtle hint of sharp hickory smoke. Yes, that was an experience not to be repeated. But Scottie and Micheal apparently like them. Lee just giggled.
... and the cucumber mint vodka concoction... oh hell I should just stop. We should have ended with the meat. Thank you Scottie for inviting me for dinner.

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