Mighty Mouse GL

Mighty Mouse GL

Monday, March 24, 2008


Geepers! I woke up this morning to the alarm just ENK-ENK-ENKing away. It had to have been doing it for some time. I know I was sleeping hard because I could feel that heavy feeling in the middle of my brain and the weight pulling my forehead down. Dog - where's the dog? Very odd, that my dog was not running to get me. Ugh, get up to turn the ENK off. Still no dog in sight. ENK off, and called the dog. He usually runs, but this morning he was dragging his tail. Gave me the first chuckle of my day - I thought, maybe he and I were sleep linked in some sort of Vulcan mind-meld that made us sleepy together. *It could happen!!*
My first problem is that I like to stay up late. I enjoy the peace and quiet.
My second problem is that i enjoy the early mornings as well, for the peace and quiet.
I'm a combination of a Vampire and a Rooster... a Roopire, a Vaster, a Ampoo, a Vampster... hee hee I like that one. I've always been that way for as long as I can remember. Don't get me wrong, I do like to sleep and can power-sleep with the best of you. I have really strange dreams. Dreams that just aren't right. Dreams in vivid color to almost entire darkness. I take external sounds into my dreams and make them part of my dreams. I remember most of my dreams. Someday, I'll blog about my Bigfoot dream I had last year.
I don't get enough sleep. I usually get about 5 hours and this article got me to thinking about how much sleep I get versus how much I need. And because I was a yawning fool all day long today. But the article asked what you do to fall asleep. I don't have trouble falling asleep. Every night I say my prayers. I always have to start my prayers a bit different so I catch all those that are important to me because the sleep monster gently lies down beside me and knocks me out right in mid-stream to dear Jesus. What do you do?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am a bit like you... I love to stay up late, but I like my mornings too... I too,only get a few hours of sleep a night thanks to the dogs and restless sleep (cocktails)...I try to make myself sleep late on weekends... which means I stay in bed until 830...ughhh